The Loose Tooth

Caleigh Cousineau

Caleigh Cousineau

Once upon a time there was a lovely tooth named Albert. Albert was a tiny tooth. Teeny tiny. His kid's name was Grazelda. One day Grazelda was playing with her dog when she got an idea. She would eat a piece of dog food to see how it tasted. When she ate it she began to cry because it hurt her tooth and made it loose, loose, loose.
That day Albert was in his socket when something dark hit him. CRUNCH! Then he...started to...move. Then he stopped...suddenly. Throughout the next few days something big moved him. YAAH! It moved him and moved him and moved him until, YAAH! He started being yanked out of his socket until he had been completely yanked out of his socket.
That night Albert was squished under something soft for hours on end. Grazelda called it a pillow. Then Albert was picked up by the enormously attractive and beautiful tooth fairy. Her wings shimmered in the light of the moon. He was quietly and quickly replaced by something shiny, round and beautiful. Albert wondered what the round, shiny and beautiful thing was. He didn't know what it was. He hoped Grazelda would love it but for now, he was off on his magical journey with the tooth fairy.

The end

1st place winner of the 2024 DTDL Short Story & Poetry Contest. Youth age group, short story.

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