I Want to be the Captain

Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson

3rd place winner of the 2024 DTDL Short Story & Poetry Contest. Adult age group, poetry.

I want to be the captain,
but right now I'm just a clerk,
my boss tells me "stop dreaming boy, 
and get right back to work. 
The decks need scrubbed,
and the sails hoisted high,
these things cannot be left,
to your wandering heart and idle hands,
these things we call time theft." 
But what he doesn't know, 
I was born to lead,
of this I'm sure is true.
This old school notion of paying your dues,
shows he doesn't have a clue. 
So when the storm swells up,
or the battle is joined,
I'll prove my worth like gold.
So impressed he'll be, 
quickly promoting me,
he'll confess his ways are old. 
But when the storm did swell,
and the guns blazed hot,
it was the Captain whose heart didn't turn,
as I froze with fright, 
through that stormy night,
it was clear I had much to learn. 
"Stand ready men, hold steady boys,"
his voice was firm and strong,
Not once did his timing miss, 
clearly, I had been wrong. 
Someday perhaps,
if I learn the ropes,
I'll pin on that Captain's rank,
and if I'm honest with the lads' that follow,
it'll be that Captain that I thank. 

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